Petition Your Council – Introduce Disc Golf To Your Community

Trekking through the rain in the middle of July is not the best way to find your next disc golf course. Strange wild beasts and even stranger people winding their way through the matted grass and itching for another bite of your sandwich can certainly put you off, especially when your rucksack starts smelling strongly of salami. So, what’s next? It might be easier than you think.

Petitioning the local members of your city councils and creating a media buzz with regard to your disc golf needs involves not only your community, but those around the nation. After all, your petition for a disc golf course likely affects them as well.



Not only is disc golf cheap to play, but it also is relatively easy on city budgets. Installation is minimal with baskets and tee-off locations. Parks are prime locations for disc golf courses. They are open to the public, and not paying for play will bring the community together. A disc golf club, as well, can bring in money to pay for disc golf tournaments and merchandise, requiring no funds from local government.


Unused parks are a drag on the community and a pull on the economy. Utilizing your park brings revenue in the form of visitors. But hey, if you don’t want to charge for admission, visitors also bring revenue to local businesses.

All Inclusive

Unlike many sports, disc golf is openly available to everyone including the visually impaired, deaf, and disabled. Leveled courses are easily adapted to be wheelchair accessible, and, through the encouragement of friends and family, people of all abilities can be accommodated.


If you haven’t seen your aunt Betty for the past five years, even though she lives three doors down, now is the time to take her to the course. Disc golf has the unique benefit of bringing the community together. Disc golf can be played as a single- or multiple-player game.

All Seasons

Easy access to a disc golf course makes it possible to play in all types of weather, including snow and rain. If you feel uncomfortable with the temperature, practice on the field or in a disc golf club. There is always something to work on.

An image showing a women and a man wearing white shirt discussing about Tintinara Disc Golf Course Design.

The first disc golf course in South Australia – Tintinara Disc Golf Course


They say the hardest thing about a project is the start. Still, with all these benefits, it would be crazy not to at least consider what a disc golf course can do for you and your community, right?

Get a Plan

The best way to begin is to form a plan. Consider the following questions when starting a petition:

– Is your goal for the disc golf course within your city council’s budget?
– What do you need to know about the community to get the signatures you need?
– How will you communicate your petition for not only the community but for those outside your regular scope?
– What recognisable local and distant businesses will support and spread your petition?
– What targets do you have selected to view your petition?
– Is your petition creating a stir? (How can you begin conversations with these posts?)

The Councillor

What can you say about your local government council or an individual councilperson? If the answer is “not much,” you need to get out there and make him or her a good friend. Local governments were either elected by you or someone close to you, so you know they can be approachable. This, coincidently, goes hand in hand with your petition plan. Your councillor can help you develop a plan that is reasonable for both you and your town. Open a dialogue.

Ask the Public

In this day and age, it’s easy to find a location to get the word out, and the best part about it? It’s free. Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are excellent free locations to start your petitions. And you can tag other people in your feed to endorse your project. If you’re a long-time disc golf player and know people from around your state, reach out to them and ask them to endorse your petition. Friends and neighbours are also great assets to provide you with signatures and give you connections with others all over Australia and New Zealand. Though a new disc golf course may only apply to your area for now, there are others out there willing to offer support to cater to more play.

Look for a Professional

Like we mentioned earlier, looking for a professional to start your disc golf journey shouldn’t be a tedious task. RAD, for example, offers many plans and professional designers that specialise in bringing more people to disc golf. You can find them at RAD. We pride ourselves on giving people more access to this amazing sport!

Though it may feel difficult to get a disc golf course in your area, don’t be deterred. Creating a connection between yourself, your community, and your nation can start through this low-cost sport, so get out there and start writing!