Disc golf do’s and don’ts in social media, the world of disc golf has certainly changed since the invention of facebook, instagram, twitter, and more. Back in the day before we were all glued to our phones, growing the sport depended on word of mouth and making sure we were positive ambassadors for disc golf both on and off the course.

Disc Golf Do's and Don'ts

Nowadays, the way others view disc golf and how we shape our own feelings about players, brands, and tournaments is heavily dictated by what we see online. Whether you’re a touring pro or a very casual player, how you represent yourself on social media is important to the future of our sport.

Disc Golf Do's and Don'ts

Disc Golf Do’s and Don’ts: Here’s What You Should Do

  • Show the world your unique disc golf skills, whether it’s your favourite trick shot or a new technique for a sidearm shot. Tried and true methods can also use a bit of a refresher every now and again, so don’t be afraid to upload a video of a perfectly executed x-step or a great putt.
  • On that note, show off your game! Disc golf is a friendly and supportive sport that encourages all players to excel at their own personal rate, so if you had a great round or you finally mastered a specific disc, talk about it on social media.
  • Did you just get a new disc, bag, or stool that you’re simply in love with? You don’t have to be sponsored by a major name to put up your own review videos online. Tell us about your new gear, why you love it, and your recommendations for what to buy.
  • Collaborate with other players, regardless of sponsorship or skill level. Growing the sport means growing our community, so work together to create more of a social media buzz.
  • Be specific when you talk about scores and overall feedback from tournaments. Instead of saying “I shot okay,” tell your fans and followers what happened.

What You Don’t Do:

  • Complaining isn’t appreciated, and when your negative words are directed at a specific tournament, player, or brand, you’re only hurting the sport of disc golf. Not only does trash talk on social media affect an outsider’s view of the game, but you just make yourself look bad too.
  • Everyone understands that you’re not a disc golfer 24/7, but if you promote a particular brand and at the same time post a ton of photos or videos that are distasteful or offensive, you’re not really doing much to help the sport. If this becomes too much of a hassle, perhaps try making your own separate accounts for disc golf content only.

At the end of the day we’re all in this together, and our presence on social media should aim to boost the sport and help each other grow. Now, that’s not to say that everything is sunshine and roses all of the time either. If there’s something going on within the sport that needs to be addressed, or you simply have a difference of opinion that you believe is essential to explain, do so in a respectful and educational manner.

Disc Golf Do's and Don'ts

After all, we are ambassadors of the sport no matter how involved we become with brands, tournaments, or traveling. Use social media to show the world all about the sport you love and to connect with others around the world!

Partner with RAD Creations to design innovative, sustainable disc golf courses that engage communities. Explore Flying Disc Store for a variety of discs and equipment, ideal for all ages and skill levels, with discounts for schools and programs.